Jersey Amateur

Radio Society




We're normally up at the club on Monday or Friday evenings. You're welcome to join us and learn more about the amazing hobby of amateur radio. If you'd like to pop up, drop us an email - just so we can be sure there will be somebody to meet you.


The club is at the old German signal station at La Moye. Head towards La Corbiere lighthouse from Red Houses 'Les Quennevais' and follow the road until the B83 leaves on the left hand side (towards Beauport and Corbiere).










Follow that road in the direction of Corbiere for 300 yards (metres). Where it turns sharp right follow "Rue Baal" going straight on towards the prison.

Continue straight on past the front of the prison, and straight on down the road marked 'Private' in a southerly direction.
This road is Le Chemin des Signaux. Keep following the road between the white gateposts, and you should see the club ahead on the right hand side. The aerials on the roof should give some clues!


UK licenses are valid for ALL parts of the UK.  Even though Jersey is NOT part of the UK (it is part of the British Isles) for Amateur Radio Purposes it is taken-as-read that we are part of the UK. Callsigns merely change to indicate the prefix of the area you are in. e.g. G0XYZ (or GW0XYZ) becomes GJ0XYZ, etc. CEPT licenses are also valid with calls becoming MJ/homecall.


Any operation from Jersey WILL draw QSL cards through the bureau.  Visitors planning to use a GJxxxx or MJxxxx  callsign should remember to:


Leave a supply of stamped C5 envelopes at the club house or send them to Mathieu MJ0ASP, QSL Bureau Manager for Jersey.

Create a entry with your Jersey callsign, indicating the correct   QSL route.

 Please note that unclaimed cards can only be kept for a maximum of 6 months.

Most local QSO's take place on the local 2m repeater for Jersey, GB3GJ.

The repeater operates as follows:
Call: GB3GJ
Channel: RV51
Output: 145.6375
Input: 145.0375
Locator: IN89we
Location: Jersey
CTCSS: 'B' (71.9Hz) only
Keeper: GJ8PVL

Activity centres around the after-news around 9:30am local time each Sunday morning and vistors are always welcomed to call in.  The repeater can appear quiet but put out a call and you will likely get a response most evenings/weekends.



In September 1966 the late Jack Rushton GC2JZ placed an advertisement in the Jersey Evening Post asking Radio Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners interested in forming a radio club to meet at Les Quennevais School to discuss the matter.

At the initial meeting a group of licensed amateurs and short wave listeners from many different walks of life gathered. They included radio technicians, electricians, carpenters; hoteliers, telephone engineers, gas engineers, a doctor, a plumber, a baker, a policeman, a milkman, a butcher, aircraft engineers, a marine signaller and a couple of students.

After discussion the club, which was subsequently, allocated the call sign GC3DVC was formed. (GC was the prefix for the Channel Islands until January 1977 when the Jersey prefix became GJ and Guernsey and her dependants became GU).

Approximately one year later premises were obtained at Fort Regent, which in those days was derelict. In addition to a coal yard, there was a scrap-iron yard, a signal post (which is still there today) and a number of clubs such as us.  Our premises comprised three large rooms plus a small room though no toilet facilities were available. This was the first occasion that we had enjoyed premises where we were able to erect aerials and run a transmitting station. We spent two happy years at the fort but had to move due to its' redevelopment.

By this time quite a number of short wave listeners had taken their examination and become licensed radio amateurs. The exam in those days comprised two written papers on theory and licensing conditions. It was necessary to pass a Morse test before a licence was granted.
The Club membership was about 30 at the time.

After an exhausting search in 1970 we were able to rent Le Hocq Martello Tower, which was in a derelict state, for £20 per annum on a nine-year lease, from the Parish of St. Clement. Naturally there was much work needing to be done. Expert knowledge of building was required and obtained from the membership. Two floors and a roof had to be constructed in the empty shell of the Tower. The President at the time, Archie Cole GJ3GS -  who was well known through out the Island and was a popular President - paid tribute on the opening day to two stalwarts who had undertaken much of the work. They were Jack Walden (SWL) and Don Le Brocq GJ4YCR.

A number of radio projects were undertaken at the club and these included getting to know our French neighbours and helping our Guernsey colleagues. The Lions Club of South America decided to initiate a worldwide contest for Lions Clubs, known as Hunting Lions on the Air. In conjunction with the Lions Club of Jersey, the club runs a contest each year on the second weekend of January. In the first three years Jersey won each time - in 1978, 1979, 1980 and were placed second and third before winning again in 1982, 1983, 1984. This was largely due to the knowledge of contest working and propagation experience of Bert Chater GJ2LU.

Whilst the Tower was a good headquarters it had a number of drawbacks, it was rather small and more importantly it was very difficult to erect aerials. Nevertheless the Club remained at Le Hocq for 20 years.

In late 1989 the then President Ken Kirk-Bayley GJ0KKB found alternative premises at the German Signal Station where the club remains to this day.

